Advanced Pools, Inc. contractors offer hot tub care tips

If you’re new to hot tub or spa ownership you may wonder how to care for a hot tub or spa. The swimming pool and hot tub contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis, TN explain caring for a hot tub is similar to caring for a pool… but it is also markedly different. Remember, you can take on the maintenance and service of the hot tub on your own or you can work with an experienced professional to take on the task for you and your family. It is the heat of the water that is a concern when caring for a hot tub — the heat causes bacteria to grow and multiply even quicker and that’s why it’s important to be diligent in its maintenance and upkeep.

How to care for a hot tub or spa

  1. The heat of the water in a hot tub means if the chemicals are not in balance you run the risk of the water developing algae and various water borne viruses. The water should be treated by your pool maintenance professional on a regular schedule. Test the water between service visits with a test kit you can obtain from your pool contractor to assure the chemical balances are in proper tub
  2. Hot tubs require periodic draining, flushing of the system and the jets and a thorough cleaning of the shell. Your hot tub contractor will perform a thorough cleaning of the entire structure and the cleaning out of the pipes and plumbing after the hot tub has been drained. He will remove the filter, use a flushing agent for the plumbing, drain the water, clean the surface and the hot tub cover, refill the hot tub, treat the water.
  3. When you purchase your hot tub you will need to decide the best type of sanitization system for it. The system is crucial to keep the Ask your contractor for advice on the best type of sanitizing system for your hot tub type. This is crucial for keeping the spa water clean and circulating.

A hot tub can extend the amount of time you and your family are able to spend together in the water and they are especially luxurious during the cooler months of the year. If you’re in the market for a hot tub this year, give us a call!