You’re on the verge of closing your swimming pool for the season so you don’t have to worry about algae in the pool water, right? Wrong! How to make sure algae stays out of your pool is something the swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools in Memphis, TN help ensure.

Algae can be green, brown, yellow or even black. It is not only unsightly, but it makes your pool unusable and can also stain the pool’s interior. It takes a long time to get rid of and can be costly to do so. Additionally, when the pool is filled with algae and your pool contractor is treating it, you can’t swim. No one wants to lose any precious swim time, right?

Concrete pools are most prone to algae growth. The reason is that the rough surface of the pool plaster offers nooks and crannies for algae spores to be left undisturbed, wreaking silent havoc. Fiberglass pools are the pool construction material least likely to be impacted by algae.

This is not to say that a fiberglass pool or a vinyl liner pool won’t get algae — they all can. And honestly, all it takes is a few days of warmth, the cover on, the pool pump and filter off and viola – a green pool.

Keep algae out

It goes without saying that the best way to address algae is to prevent it from growing in the first place. Great, right?! The way to do that is to be diligent about adding sanitizers, cleaning the pool thoroughly and making certain the walls and floor and behind and around steps and stairs are diligently cleaned.

Using a pool cover can also help protect the pool from algae. Some algae spores are carried on the wind and if they get dropped into your pool water, algae can bloom. Pool steps are a favorite breeding ground for spores so pay special attention to them when you’re performing your maintenance.

Algae is most prevalent in shallow water because the water there heats up faster than deeper water. Algae needs undisturbed, unsanitized and still water in which to row. ae needs to thrive.

Algae is stubborn and once it’s in the water, it may take — it will take copious amounts of chlorine to get rid of it and the pump and filter will need to be run for days. Scrubbing, brushing and vacuuming will need to be performed continually.

If you’re a DIY pool service owner and despite your best efforts you can’t keep up with algae or rid the water of it once you notice it, give us a call. We can help.