Advanced Pool Care, serving Memphis, TN deals with moldy hot tub water

Clogged pipes in your hot tub but you don’t know why? The culprit could be mold or algae build up. While rare, these are two items that could muck up the plumbing in your hot tub and make it unusable until a pool contractor from Advanced Pool Care pays a visit to clean it and sanitize the water.

How does it happen? Most typically mold gets into the water and pipes from a dirty or moldy hot tub cover. Mold can easily take hold on the underside of the cover because it is continually subjected to heat and moisture — the breeding hot tub cover ground for mold and mildew.  Ask your swimming pool and hot tub contractor the best way to keep the hot tub cover clean so that mold doesn’t impact your hot tub water. You need to use caution when cleaning the cover because any chemicals you use on it have the potential to drip into the hot tub water.

Either your hot tub contractor can clean the cover for you or show you how to do it, but it needs to be kept clean so that it is not a breeding ground for bacteria. The cover will need to be removed, the mold removed and then the cover cleaned and thoroughly dried before it is used again. A mold inhibitor spray should also be added to the cover once it’s cleaned.

Keep in mind, too that if your hot tub plumbing becomes a home for mold, you may need to stay out of it for a while until it has been cleaned and all of the mold addressed.