Swimming pool contractors in the Memphis, Tennessee area understand that in many cases the addition of a swimming pool swimming pool contractorcan enhance the resale value of a home. They also understand that while that added resale value is a plus, it is not the only reason individuals have swimming pools constructed. When you’re in the process of researching swimming pool projects you do need to take your time and find a builder that has a track record of excellence and who will listen to your hopes and dreams for your swimming pool project.

The addition of an inground swimming pool can potentially add between 8 and 15% to the value of your home, an above ground swimming pool doesn’t add nearly as much value as an inground. Here are a few things to discuss with the swimming pool contractors at Advanced Pool Care before taking the plunge into swimming pool ownership:

  1. What is the best kind of pool for your backyard?
  2. In today’s current economic real estate market, will the investment in a pool reap the benefit you are hoping for when it comes time to sell?
  3. Are you looking to put a pool in your backyard simply as an investment tool or do you and your family want a swimming pool for your own enjoyment? A pool is a major undertaking and if you’re doing it for financial gain only, it might not be worthwhile.
  4. If you live in an upscale neighborhood, a swimming pool might be an expected part of the package, not an add on.
  5. Talk to your swimming pool professional about the best style and shape for your pool, as well as the landscaping you will install around the pool itself.
  6. If you’re looking for a pool for fun and not as much as an investment, you might want to consider installing an above ground swimming pool rather than an inground one.

Research both the housing market and the type of pool that brings the most value in your area before you construct a swimming pool.  If you’re more concerned with a swimming pool for fun and entertainment purposes and the additional resale value isn’t a consideration, you may take away the pressure of making a decision and will be a pool owner before you know it!