Swimming pools can be safe and should be safe! You can work with your swimming pool contractor from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis Tennessee about surprising swimming pool dangers & how to avoid them. In many cases, it’s common sense and diligence.

Here are some dangers and how to avoid/address them. If you have any other questions or concerns, let’s talk when we pay our next service visit.

Surprising Pool Dangers & How To Avoid Them

  1. Never swim alone. Simple. Always have someone in attendance when you’re swimming or when someone else is in the pool.
  2. Electrical hazards. Electric and water don’t mix. Keep all electrical devices – radios, phone chargers, away from the water. Make certain all the electrical components that are part of the pool are grounded.
  3. Decks. A slippery deck is a trip and fall hazard. Keep the deck as dry as you can. Also, brush the deck to remove any algae because that is very slippery.
  4. The pool ladder and stairs should be checked regularly to make certain they are secure and none of the screws or handrails are rusted.
  5. Bacteria-filled water can be addressed through diligent pool maintenance and upkeep. To ensure the water is always of the highest and cleanest quality – consider hiring a pool service contractor.
  6. Storing pool chemicals needs to be in a space where no pets or humans can get to them. Store them in a cool, dry and locked space.
  7. The swimming pool cover should be used at all times and should be checked to ensure there are no rips or tears.
  8. Diving boards and slides need to be checked to ensure their integrity. You also want to enforce rules of when the diving board and slide need to be off-limits (during parties, is not a safe time to use a diving board, for example)

We work with both new and long-time swimming pool owners on pool safety and maintenance. Give us a call and let’s talk about pool maintenance and pool safety. We practice social distancing to keep you and our crew safe during this pandemic.