Advanced Pools, Inc. explain lazy river features

Amusement parks are where most people go to spend time in swimming pools and most of all to cascade down a chute filled with water on an inner tube — also known as a lazy river! Whether it’s a log ride or an inner tube, lazy river water features are fun in your backyard swimming pool — as long as you have the yard space to accommodate it.

The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. work with pool owners to add these high-end, high-fun accessories to their family swimming pools. Talk with us if you’re looking to add this feature to your pool and we will come out, measure and let you know whether you have the room for a lazy river feature. lazy river

The lazy river feature is an unusual one, that’s for sure, and it will certainly set your family swimming pool apart from the neighbors and is sure to draw in family and friends who will want to enjoy it with you!

Talk with us to learn more about this beautiful enhancement. Here are three things to consider:

  1. You will need to dedicate at least 5,000 square feet of yard space to accommodate the lazy river.  You will want the lazy river to be at least 100 feet long. If you don’t have a lot of additional yard space you may wan to consider a circular or oval lazy river design. You will want it to be at least six feet wide.
  2. If you have an island in your swimming pool, a lazy river could be constructed that will wrap around the island. Add creative enhancements like waterfalls, rapids or spray features. A bucket dump adds an element of surprise.
  3. Work with a swimming pool contractor who has installed this type of water feature before as they understand the nuances of the construction the best.

If a lazy river will certainly add to the unique look and feel of your family swimming pool.