Not everyone wants, or can afford, an in ground swimming pool. Above ground pools are more affordable for many families and they are also ideal for those families who don’t plan to stay in one home for decades. In some cases, an above ground swimming pool can be...
Does anything taste better than food cooked, and eaten, out-of-doors? We can’t think of anything better! Ways to cook in style by your swimming pool is something that many pool owners and outdoor enthusiasts are always seeking. If Dad is the go-to chef when it...
Is there a “best” temperature for your swimming pool water? Do you want the water to be bathtub warm? Teeth-chattering cold? What should the pool water temperature be? It is a hotly contested conversation among families and honestly, there is no...
Just as you replace your smart phone and computers and televisions, there will come a time when you will ask yourself, “Is it time to update your pool’s technology?” The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis, TN explain that...
Advanced Pools, Inc. contractors answer the question, “do you need swimming pool lights?” Does your swimming pool have a deep end? Do you do a lot of night swimming? These are two of the many reasons you may want to have swimming pool lights. When...