Advanced Pools, Inc. contractors explain how to keep frogs out of your swimming pool

Do you find yourself wondering how to keep frogs out of your swimming pool? If you go to your pool and on a regular basis you see frogs either swimming or… no longer swimming… you may be desperate for a way to keep these hopping creatures out of your pool water, right? The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. have several solutions to keeping frogs out of the pool and it will also help keep other wildlife out as well.

How to keep frogs out of your swimming pool

Why do frogs get into your pool?

  • They are attracted because it’s a large body of water that lures in bugs — part of a frog’s diet
  • If the pool is heated, the warm water is a lure
  • At night the light from the pool draws them in because it also attracts bugs – an ideal food sourceHow to keep frogs out of your swimming pool

Once a frog gets into the water, it is almost impossible for him to get out so he will drown. This means you are either skimming live, or dead, frogs from the pool before you can go swimming. It’s not pleasant.

While a frog won’t harm the pool, and in fact, they will eat the bugs in it, they aren’t necessarily harmful. They do, however, pose a risk of clogging up the skimmer. Any bacteria that a frog brings in will be taken care of by the pool chemicals. Keep in mind though most frogs don’t carry any bacteria that would be harmful to humans.

Here are methods to keep frogs out of the pool:.

  1. Make sure your pool fence is impenetrable for frogs.
  2. Be diligent in the use of pool covers.
  3. Make sure there are no weeds in which the frogs can hide
  4. Turn off the pool lights if you’re not using it at night
  5. Spray a mixture of salt and water and vinegar around the pool’s perimeter
  6. Install a waterfall or fountain as this will keep the water moving and make it less desirable for bugs
  7. Give in and put a frog-log in the pool so if a frog gets in he can climb on the log and you can remove a live frog rather than a drowned one

If you notice your pool has become a lure for frogs, give us a call or let’s talk about it at our next service visit.