Advanced Pool Care contractors, serving Memphis, TN share swimming pool safety tips
It’s a frightening statistic to realize that drowning deaths occur every year in family swimming pools. The most startling part? When you realize that if you implement safety rules and “regulations” and keep pool safety equipment close at hand that you can likely prevent any injury or illness in your own family pool.
Owning a pool though is not about “beating the odds” it is about working with your swimming pool contractor from Advanced Pool Care to assure that you have done everything humanly possible to keep everyone safe. While there are specific legal regulations for pool safety, many pool owners go above and beyond to assure safety.
Whether above or in ground, your pool should be equipped with a fence and a locking gate as well as any pool safety regulations required in your area of the country. In addition to the fence and a locking gate you could consider adding an alarm. Just as you’d never leave a child unsupervised in a bathtub, you should never leave a child — regardless of age, alone in a swimming pool. Tragedies can be minimized or even eliminated with the use of a pool alarm.
Pool alarms can be either electronic or battery operated. It can either float on the surface of the pool or be wired into the pool and immersed. An alarm will sound when a disturbance is detected in the water – whether from a pet or a child falling in. Be careful that you don’t have it set to be so sensitive that if a leaf falls into the water that the alarm sounds.
A good alarm has a loud, pulsating noise that can be heard at both the unit and in the house with a remote receiver. A remote receiver typically has a range of 200 feet.
Protecting your family before they even make it into the water is another option and you can do this through the installation of a perimeter alarm. These devices are placed around the perimeter and can be adjusted to the height of your child and/or dog. You may want to shut this alarm off when you’re physically in the pool but you need to remember to turn it back on once you exit the pool area and lock the fence or gate.
This article is not a warning against owning a swimming pool it is a piece of useful information that you can talk with your pool contractor about to assure you are securing the pool at its highest level.