If you’re looking to set your home apart from the competition in the neighborhood when it comes to selling it, a swimming pool might make the difference BUT if swimming pools aren’t usual in your area, it may not be the lure you believe it to be. Will a pool increase your home’s resale value? The answer, the swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis, Tennessee explain is — it depends.

A well-planned and placed and cared for swimming pool just might increase the resale value. However, if no one in the area has a pool that may mean it’s simply not a sought-after backyard accessory. Talk with your realtor before you take on the major expense of installing a swimming pool — you just might not reap the rewards you’re hoping for.

Some areas of the country do benefit from having swimming pools — think Arizona, Tennessee and other areas of the country that have many, many warm months and where a pool will be used more often than it will be closed. Swimming pools in the northeast may not be as prized as a backyard accessory because the swim season is short.

Keep in mind that a pool may either tip the scales in your favor or send a potential buyer to another property.

Will a pool increase your home’s resale value?

A home is one of the biggest investments most people will ever make, this is second only to the potential cost of a swimming pool. In case you didn’t know… a swimming pool could cost you in the $50,000 and up range! The reason is, because they are permanent structures, are a lifestyle enhancer and you just don’t want to skimp, right?

However much you may love your swimming pool, some people simply aren’t up to the task of caring for a swimming pool as they require ongoing and almost continual maintenance. Yes, you can hire a swimming pool service contractor — and probably should — but it is still an expense.

Make the investment in a swimming pool because you really want one. Sure you can keep in the back of your mind that it may help you sell it later, but install it for the enjoyment you will get out of it!

Here are things to talk to your pool contractor about when you begin the process:

  1. What is your budget
  2. How many people will typically be in your pool
  3. How much yard space to you want to give up
  4. What color, shape and depth do you want
  5. What building material do you want
  6. What type accessories do you want? Diving board, slide, heater, hot tub, etc.

Who will care for the pool — you or a pool service contractor? Decide that up front so you can budget for it, too.

Don’t forget to add in some outdoor living space amenities. You will spend as much time — or more — around the pool as you do in the pool. Give us a call today and let’s talk about your pool!