What are common swimming pool issues?

What are common swimming pool issues?

The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis, Tennessee say they see a myriad of swimming pool problems — many the result of a DIY pool owner or simply because chemical balancing is difficult. What are common swimming pool issues? They say...
Swimming pool safety tips for cat owners

Swimming pool safety tips for cat owners

If you share your lives with cats you probably know they’d rather be like the cat in this photo and lie around on a table looking at water in a jar with a fish swimming in it. But, if you’re a swimming pool owner the pool contractors from Advanced Pools in...
Why does pool water alkalinity matter?

Why does pool water alkalinity matter?

The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc in Memphis, Tennessee explain that swimming pool water is a complex mix of water and chemicals. When it comes to the testing and chemical balancing you may wonder why does pool water alkalinity matter and the...
How long should the pool pump run?

How long should the pool pump run?

When you become a swimming pool owner, you may not think about how long to run the swimming pool pump. You have so many other items to consider that this part of pool ownership may not have entered your thoughts. How long should he pool pump run is something your pool...