Have you scheduled a pool opening?

Have you scheduled a pool opening?

Is today warm enough to swim? Will tomorrow or next week be the time for a dive into the family swimming pool? Have you scheduled a pool opening? If you haven’t given the pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. a call you may be waiting to swim in your...
Is the swimming pool water clean enough?

Is the swimming pool water clean enough?

Everybody into the pool! When you are ready to swim you need to know that your water is ready to swim in. Is the swimming pool water clean enough? It’s a question the swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools Inc in Memphis, TN get asked all the time....
How To ‘Feng Shui’ Your Swimming Pool

How To ‘Feng Shui’ Your Swimming Pool

Swimming pools, by their very nature, bring relaxation and stress relief. When you have a swimming pool in your life and in your backyard you can walk out the door and shut out the worries of the day. The swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pool Care have tips for...
How much should you pay for your pool?

How much should you pay for your pool?

This is not a trick question by any means. How much should you pay for your pool? It’s a question you need to determine before you reach out to the swimming pool contractors from Advanced Pools, Inc. in Memphis Tennessee. Why? Because you need to know: What you...